Technical Analysis Vs Fundamental Analysis
If you have read something on trading or any sort of short term trading strategies, you would have come across…
Real Estate Investing vs REITs
You may have already read the basics in my previous post on asset classes. In this post, we are going…
Where To Research Companies/Stock Information
and my previous posts, I have mentioned the websites I use for researching companies/Stock. On top of these, many other…
Analysing Company Financial Ratios
As I mentioned in the previous post, these ratios help us to understand companies value. Great companies can be a…
How To Find Good Company For Investing?
As I mentioned in the introductory post, it is better to invest in company that you understand. Industries that you…
Should You Buy Into IPO?
Before I go into the details of an IPO, let me ask the basics, “Have you heard the term IPO…
Difference Between Mutual Funds vs ETF?
If you have been reading about investments in my previous posts, you have seen ETF/ Mutual Fund before. These 2…
Credit Cards, The Good And Bad
We have already mentioned credit cards in a previous post. If you are still unaware of what credit cards are,…
7 Investing Mistakes To Avoid
I hope that you have gone through the basics of investing in the past blog posts. If you haven’t done…
How To Create An Investment Portfolio
We have already gone through the details on how to choose a market for investing and how to choose a…